
   Scientists say that forgetting is actually a feature of higher intelligence

   According to new research from the University of Toronto, forgetfulness is a measure of higher intelligence.

    The findings suggest that your memory helps you make decisions by recalling only relevant information and discarding irrelevant information, which is similar to making room for what's important.

    That's why it's important to clear your brain of old memories

    For example, if the brain can remember the big event of a past event while forgetting minor details, it can better capture previous experiences than if it remembers every detail of the event.

    Professor Blake Richards, one of the authors of the study, said: "It is critical that the brain ignores irrelevant information and focuses on information that helps make real-world decisions."

   What information is lost depends on the situation and environment. For example, an employee at a large store may not remember all the customers they see every day, but an employee at a small store may remember regularly.

    In fact, it's always a sign of a healthy memory to act as you should when you forget something.

    Avoiding the temptation to commit everything to memory is one of the most effective ways to build long-term memory, says Richards.

    You cannot reach a conclusion if your mind is constantly filled with information that is not relevant to the decision you are trying to make.

    However, it has also been found that people become anxious when important information is quickly lost from their memories.


 The final conclusion is

    "The purpose of memory is to make an intelligent person who can make decisions according to the circumstances

   With an investigation report

   An excerpt...
